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3 Ways to protect your employer brand in times of uncertainty image

3 Ways to protect your employer brand in times of uncertainty

February 21, 2023

How an employee is treated on the way out is just as important as how he or she was treated when recruited and hired. So, how can an organization safeguard its brand reputation in times of uncertainty? Although not foolproof, here are three ways…

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Which jobs are showing the highest pay increases? image

Which jobs are showing the highest pay increases?

November 07, 2022

Wondering which jobs are commanding the highest pay increases in this complex labor market? Beyond base pay, employers are using additional tools to reward and entice employees. Take a first look at the US 2022 Mercer Benchmark Database results for these insights and more.

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Keeping the doors open for healthcare image

Keeping the doors open for healthcare

October 28, 2022

With inclement weather events continuing to impact the United States, understanding how to manage and reward essential employees is critical in healthcare particularly, but also in any organization that needs to continue operations. The findings from Mercer's Clinical Pay Practices survey shine light on the policies and programs provided in healthcare.

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The future of compensation data image

The future of compensation data

September 28, 2022

With the rapid pace of change we are all dealing with, what’s the best source of compensation data? Listen in on a candid discussion from Mercer’ head of North American Product Development on how she considers different types of survey data today and in the future.

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Five focus areas for HR during high inflation image

Five focus areas for HR during high inflation

September 06, 2022

Having the highest pay is not what’s going to secure your workforce right now. You’ve got to think beyond pay and benefits. As the c-suite looks to you to lead the talent strategy in this challenging job market, here are 5 things, beyond rewards, to focus on while keeping your employees’ wants and needs at the forefront.

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“We have to let You go, but here’s how we can help you” image

“We have to let You go, but here’s how we can help you”

September 04, 2022

It’s not just your current employees that need to believe in your employment brand and value proposition. Currently departing or former employees are a really valuable asset for filling your future talent needs. Make sure they are well taken care of and they’ll be more likely to re-join or even recommend you to their friends. Read on to see how Mercer Workforce Transitions can help.

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Top 3 global trends in managing multinational employee benefits image

Top 3 global trends in managing multinational employee benefits

August 16, 2022

Understand how you can save time and money with your global human resource management when you consider these three global trends.

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Why you should attend Mercer survey results meetings image

Why you should attend Mercer survey results meetings

July 27, 2022

Learn why survey results meetings are important to invest your time and attention in. From a snapshot of survey results to market and data insights, discover the top reasons to make sure you attend these meetings.

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