workforce mobility

Enabling a strategic advantage by deploying talent across global and domestic borders

The war for critical talent and opportunities to develop existing talent has prompted many organizations to rethink their talent and workforce planning strategies in recent years. Layer on the changing preferences of employers and employees for how and where work gets done and it’s no wonder that organizations are looking to better integrate their employee mobility strategy with other elements of the talent strategy to enhance the overall employee value proposition (EVP).

Mercer has partnered with thousands of organizations to anticipate and manage talent shortages to proactively align people to roles; design efficient and equitable workforce mobility programs, policies, and processes to support talent relocations; and optimize talent investments. Mercer workforce mobility services include:

  • Mobility strategy development, implementation, and optimization
    Understand whether your employee mobility program is effectively structured for optimal performance and integrated with the elements of your talent strategy and whether the vendors you partner with are aligned to your strategic vision.

  • Mobility program and policy benchmarking
    Compare the elements of your mobility program to those of your labor market competitors to understand gaps, opportunities for enhancements, and unnecessary expenditures.

  • Mobility program and policy design and implementation
    Understand the guiding principles and requirements that underlie your workforce mobility program to align your goals with your organizational culture and preferences to meet business needs; design policies and service delivery models that prioritize design requirements, providing structure and guardrails for program administration and leveraging internal and external partners to deliver services to program customers and employees.

  • Workforce mobility investment rationalization
    Provide guidance and support in building a cost-conscious employee mobility program that prioritizes getting the right people, with the right support to the right location while managing the level of investment to build the EVP of your workforce mobility program.

  • Specialized program support
    Supplement your team by taking advantage of the various ad-hoc services we can provide, including vendor assessment, RFI/RFP management, group move program design, change management and communication support, flexible work program design and implementation, new location due diligence and entry, and workforce mobility training.

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Mercer is here to help you build or optimize your workforce mobility program to meet both your talent and organizational priorities, whether domestically or globally. Speak with an experienced member of our team today to get started.