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COVID-19 update: handling mobility issues image

COVID-19 update: handling mobility issues

March 23, 2020

Global Mobility teams have been front and center dealing with the COVID-19 developments around the world. Companies are striving to keep assignees safe while complying with corporate policies that are changing daily. At Mercer, we have been in ongoing conversations with our clients, discussing a variety of issues flowing from the COVID-19 outbreak, which affect global mobility programs.

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COVID-19: One man’s thoughts image

COVID-19: One man’s thoughts

March 20, 2020

History’s most indelible moments imprint in our minds where we were and what we were doing when they happened. With the coronavirus pandemic, we will remember where we weren’t. One young man from Mercer shares his thoughts on COVID-19 and the uncertainty we are all experiencing right now.

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Crafting your remote work policy: pros and cons of the virtual work revolution image

Crafting your remote work policy: pros and cons of the virtual work revolution

March 08, 2020

More and more workers today are looking for the option to work remotely. With the help of modern technology, it’s a perfectly realistic option for many. Offering virtual work opportunities could be an attractive strategy for you as an HR professional, but it’s not ideal for every situation. Are you ready to start developing your virtual work policy?

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What’s next? image

What’s next?

February 25, 2020

There’s no time for “down time.” When you wrap up your key objectives for the fiscal year, it’s time to get to work on new priorities to maximize efficiency in the coming year. By being proactive, you’ll be able to hit the ground running and achieve amazing things.

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North American employee turnover: trends and effects image

North American employee turnover: trends and effects

January 29, 2020

If you’re not prepared to keep your company properly staffed, you’re sure to lose valuable time and resources finding replacements. With this high-level market data collected from top organizations throughout North America, start optimizing your plans today.

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The shifting purpose of base pay image

The shifting purpose of base pay

January 27, 2020

Budgets for merit-based salary increases have remained flat for years, meaning your company should be looking to other avenues for incentivizing and retaining top-performing employees. The use of performance-based bonus is an attractive option for doing so, but only when executed correctly.

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Managing employee compensation data with technology image

Managing employee compensation data with technology

December 31, 2019

Discover how intuitive new software and applications can streamline your organization’s compensation planning efforts.

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What’s the right pay structure for your hourly workforce? image

What’s the right pay structure for your hourly workforce?

October 30, 2019

Managing hourly pay is not as simple as it might seem. Several key factors need to be considered in order to set hourly rates and their progression in a way that aligns with the work and will motivate employees to achieve the desired results. In this article we explore the four most common types of hourly pay structures and the circumstances when each would best be suited.

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