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Cost of living versus cost of labor image

Cost of living versus cost of labor

April 11, 2022

Now that many employees are working from home for the foreseeable future, organizations are considering the impact that flexibility has on what they need to pay. As employees look to relocate from the cities to lower cost of living areas, does that mean their pay should be adjusted accordingly? In this article, two of Mercer’s senior consultants talk about the continued importance of understanding cost of living and cost of labor when determining pay.

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Eight trends and challenges affecting healthcare today image

Eight trends and challenges affecting healthcare today

March 14, 2022

As we begin to understand the long-term impact of the pandemic and current labor market, what priorities should hospital and healthcare system boards focus on to succeed in 2022 and beyond? Let’s look at eight emerging trends in healthcare commanding the attention of industry leaders today.

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The secret behind Mercer data quality image

The secret behind Mercer data quality

February 04, 2022

A recent Mercer study found that 44% of HR professionals consider data quality and data reliability to be top reasons for choosing one human resource survey provider over another. With this in-depth overview of our quality processes, learn exactly how we compile and curate top-quality Mercer data for every single survey we publish.

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Survey Participation: Tips for Success  image

Survey Participation: Tips for Success

February 03, 2022

As participation in Compensation and Benefits surveys becomes more intuitive and therefore simpler, there are also ways to streamline the survey process for you and your company. Become a participation veteran with these simple tips.

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Compensation planning: Pay vs. Perks  image

Compensation planning: Pay vs. Perks

January 31, 2022

While wages are climbing higher, other elements besides pay such as meaningful work and purpose, are also critical drivers for workers desire to stay or go.

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Why You Can’t Afford Not to Participate in Compensation and Benefits Surveys image

Why You Can’t Afford Not to Participate in Compensation and Benefits Surveys

January 28, 2022

Reliable survey data is now more essential than ever in today’s hyper-competitive labor market. Survey participation gives you the edge in shaping the future of your workforce.

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4 powerful benchmarks for DEI Strategy image

4 powerful benchmarks for DEI Strategy

September 27, 2021

Even though 81% of US employers say they are committed to improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, only 40% set formal, quantitative goals or targets for DEI outcomes like representation, according to recent research conducted by Mercer. The for metrics will help you identify challenges within your organization to set targets today.

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The importance of alternative transportation benefits image

The importance of alternative transportation benefits

June 28, 2021

Companies continue to implement alternative transportation benefits to supplement what they have for car benefits in an effort to ‘go green’. Is it time your gave your transportation benefit policies a tune up?

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