US Geographic Salary Differential Tool

Fine tune your pay strategy with reliable wage differential data

Product Highlights

Over 5,200 locations are included in the Geographic Salary Differentials Tool. Access the full list of locations.


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  • IsOrderingSetYes
  • Ordering TypeSingleLevelMultiSelection
  • Enable ParticipationTurn off
  • RegionUS
  • Sub TitleFine tune your pay strategy with reliable wage differential data
  • Short DescriptionActual and projected pay increase data at the city and national levels.
  • CounterPart_SKUSKU_7385
  • Product Survey HeadingGeographic Salary Differential Tool - US
  • Enable WidgetsYes
  • widget1Publish Date ~ December 2024
  • widget2Locations ~ 5,231
  • widget3Observations ~ 15,794,795
  • Enable Home Page DisplayDo Not Show

Product Highlights

Over 5,200 locations are included in the Geographic Salary Differentials Tool. Access the full list of locations.

Product Details

If your company has always had several locations across the United States you've likely experienced several challenges when it comes to managing pay. You may be faced with finding pay differential data for all of your locations, efficiently managing fluctuations in local labor market positions, or even creating a new pay strategy for your growing group of remote workers.

Either way, understanding how salary differentials vary across the country is important so you can establish a sustainable pay strategy that protects your existing workforce and attracts new talent.

The US Geographic Salary Differential Tool allows you to compare your compensation data at the city or national level using information from more than 5,000 locations. As an added bonus, you'll also be able to access the average pay increase for the prior and current year.

Access to the US Geographic Salary Differentials Tool will be granted via Qlik. Once your purchase has been confirmed you will receive an email with a link to the online tool. With Qlik, you will be able to:

  • Easily access data for over 5,000 locations.
  • Filter your searches by new refinements such as career stream, job family, and industry.
  • Export your data into Excel files for multiple locations simultaneously.

If your company has always had several locations across the United States you've likely experienced several challenges when it comes to managing pay. You may be faced with finding pay differential data for all of your locations, efficiently managing fluctuations in local labor market positions, or even creating a new pay strategy for your growing group of remote workers.

Either way, understanding how salary differentials vary across the country is important so you can establish a sustainable pay strategy that protects your existing workforce and attracts new talent.

The US Geographic Salary Differential Tool allows you to compare your compensation data at the city or national level using information from more than 5,000 locations. As an added bonus, you'll also be able to access the average pay increase for the prior and current year.

Access to the US Geographic Salary Differentials Tool will be granted via Qlik. Once your purchase has been confirmed you will receive an email with a link to the online tool. With Qlik, you will be able to:

  • Easily access data for over 5,000 locations.
  • Filter your searches by new refinements such as career stream, job family, and industry.
  • Export your data into Excel files for multiple locations simultaneously.

What Happens After Purchase?

Once you submit an online order, our team will get to work right away to validate your purchase and grant access to the dataset. For new users, this may take us longer to verify your information.

Customers with an account

It may take up to 48 hours before the data is accessible. You will be notified via email when the data is available.

New customers without an account

It may take up to 72 hours to gain access to this dataset. Once your account is created, your access link will be sent to your email.

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